Evaluation Research and Problem Analysis
Evaluation Research and ¨Problem Analysis
Evaluation Research -Sometimes called program evaluation
¤Refers to the research purpose rather an a specific research method (The reason behind the search) ¨
Evaluation Research ¨To evaluate effects of policy such as Mandatory arrests for domestic violence Or sentencing laws
¨Evaluation Research ¨Another type of Evaluation Research is; Problem analysis helps public officials plan and select alternative actions for their programs.
Criminal justice agencies are expected to justify the effectiveness and cost of their actions.
¨Justice agencies are linked to evidence used for planning and evaluation. ¨and have come to rely more on evidence based policy.
Research ¨Problem oriented guides summarized evidence concerning responses by police and others to problems.
Rapes on college campuses
Locations and circumstances of crimes problems
corrections, policies are increasing evaluated to sort out those that do in fact reduce re-offenders.
Problem Analysis and evaluation research are used to develop justice policy and determine its impact.
¨Policy Process ¨Policy Process ¨Policy ¨Starts with a demand for a new policy or change an existing policy-
Newspaper stories about drug sentencing policies ¨
¨Does out prosecutor seek equality in sentencing recommendations for white and African American drug defendants. ¨
¨Who will review the sentencing recommendations
Where will they sit ¨What equipment will they use
¨How much time will it take them to review each report ¨Policy Outputs
¨Refers to what is actually produced
¨Final Stage ¨
Does the prosecutor’s review process actually eliminate disparities in sentencing? ¨ Policy impacts are fundamentally related to policy goal
Outputs embody the means to achieve desired policy goal
¨Policy Model
¨Simple cause and affect process ¨
¨Policies are formulated to produce an effect or impact ¨
¨If some policy action is taken, then we can expect some result to be produced. ¨
¨Peter Rossi and associates (1999, 4: emphasis in original) define program evaluation as ¨
“the use of social science research procedures to systematically assess the effectiveness of a social program.
More specifically, evaluation researchers use social research methods to study, appraise and help improve social programs in all their aspects, including the diagnosis of social problems they address, their conceptualization and design, their implementation and administration , their outcomes and their efficiency.”
¨Program Evaluation
1. Are policies being implemented as planned?
¨2. Are policies achieving their intended goals'? ¨
1. Goals
What is the program intended to accomplish?
How do staff determine how well they have attained their goes?
Which goal/objective have been identified?
What measures of performance are currently used?
Are adequate measures available?
2. Clients
¨Who is served by the program? ¨How do they come to participate? ¨Do they differ in systematic ways from nonparticipants? ¨Assessment
3. Organization and Operation
•Where are the services provided?
¨Are there important differences among sites?
¨Who provides the services?
¨What individuals or groups oppose the program or have been critical or it in the past? ¨
Assessment ¨
4. History
¤How long has the program been operation?
¤How did the program come about?
¤Has the program grown or diminished in size and influence?
¤Have any significant changes occurred in the program recently?
¨Problem Analysis ¨
Problem Analysis and Scientific Realism-
Problem Analysis coupled with scientific realism, helps public officials use research to select and assess alternative course of action.
¨Program evaluation differs from problem analysis-
Problem analysis- time dimension, & where each activity takes place
¨Program Evaluation- Designs used in basic research are readily adapted for use for a program.
Questions What kind of people do you arrest for misdemeanor domestic assault?
Which kinds of people do you think would have higher risks of repeated violence?
¤ ¨Analysis ¨time dimension ¨where each activity takes place ¨
Evaluation ¨Get questions and ¨Get answers ¨
Evaluation Research -Sometimes called program evaluation
¤Refers to the research purpose rather an a specific research method (The reason behind the search) ¨
Evaluation Research ¨To evaluate effects of policy such as Mandatory arrests for domestic violence Or sentencing laws
¨Evaluation Research ¨Another type of Evaluation Research is; Problem analysis helps public officials plan and select alternative actions for their programs.
Criminal justice agencies are expected to justify the effectiveness and cost of their actions.
¨Justice agencies are linked to evidence used for planning and evaluation. ¨and have come to rely more on evidence based policy.
Research ¨Problem oriented guides summarized evidence concerning responses by police and others to problems.
Rapes on college campuses
Locations and circumstances of crimes problems
corrections, policies are increasing evaluated to sort out those that do in fact reduce re-offenders.
Problem Analysis and evaluation research are used to develop justice policy and determine its impact.
¨Policy Process ¨Policy Process ¨Policy ¨Starts with a demand for a new policy or change an existing policy-
Newspaper stories about drug sentencing policies ¨
¨Does out prosecutor seek equality in sentencing recommendations for white and African American drug defendants. ¨
¨Who will review the sentencing recommendations
Where will they sit ¨What equipment will they use
¨How much time will it take them to review each report ¨Policy Outputs
¨Refers to what is actually produced
¨Final Stage ¨
Does the prosecutor’s review process actually eliminate disparities in sentencing? ¨ Policy impacts are fundamentally related to policy goal
Outputs embody the means to achieve desired policy goal
¨Policy Model
¨Simple cause and affect process ¨
¨Policies are formulated to produce an effect or impact ¨
¨If some policy action is taken, then we can expect some result to be produced. ¨
¨Peter Rossi and associates (1999, 4: emphasis in original) define program evaluation as ¨
“the use of social science research procedures to systematically assess the effectiveness of a social program.
More specifically, evaluation researchers use social research methods to study, appraise and help improve social programs in all their aspects, including the diagnosis of social problems they address, their conceptualization and design, their implementation and administration , their outcomes and their efficiency.”
¨Program Evaluation
1. Are policies being implemented as planned?
¨2. Are policies achieving their intended goals'? ¨
1. Goals
What is the program intended to accomplish?
How do staff determine how well they have attained their goes?
Which goal/objective have been identified?
What measures of performance are currently used?
Are adequate measures available?
2. Clients
¨Who is served by the program? ¨How do they come to participate? ¨Do they differ in systematic ways from nonparticipants? ¨Assessment
3. Organization and Operation
•Where are the services provided?
¨Are there important differences among sites?
¨Who provides the services?
¨What individuals or groups oppose the program or have been critical or it in the past? ¨
Assessment ¨
4. History
¤How long has the program been operation?
¤How did the program come about?
¤Has the program grown or diminished in size and influence?
¤Have any significant changes occurred in the program recently?
¨Problem Analysis ¨
Problem Analysis and Scientific Realism-
Problem Analysis coupled with scientific realism, helps public officials use research to select and assess alternative course of action.
¨Program evaluation differs from problem analysis-
Problem analysis- time dimension, & where each activity takes place
¨Program Evaluation- Designs used in basic research are readily adapted for use for a program.
Questions What kind of people do you arrest for misdemeanor domestic assault?
Which kinds of people do you think would have higher risks of repeated violence?
¤ ¨Analysis ¨time dimension ¨where each activity takes place ¨
Evaluation ¨Get questions and ¨Get answers ¨